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Monday, August 16, 2010

Why do we love people that abuse our trust?   

Why do we love the things that God has given us more than we love Him?

Why do we trust man more than we trust God?

Why do we hear God calling us but we click over to answer Satan's beep?

Why do we run from God like He isn't omniscient and omnipotent?

Why do we praise Him with our lips but our hearts are from Him?

Why do we update Facebook with meaningless, superficial God like words  more than we read and study to show ourselves approved? 

Why do we tremble at the onset of tests and trials when the word says He will fight our battles?

Why are you reading this saying, "she aint talking to me"?

Better yet, why are you still reading this and you have not repented and or given your life to Christ?

If you do not know Christ I implore you to get to know Him. He is the answer to all of your questions. He is the great I AM! (Read Romans 8)

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