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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


By definition metamorphosis is:

1. profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.

2. any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.

As adults we often slip back into childlike behaviors. Whether it be making crude jokes that lack moral value or keeping a circle of "friends" that do not share the same goals as we do. Sometimes we unintentionally expose ourselves as being childlike to become the most popular, or the one that is known to "get the party started." But I ask, at whose expense? Do we ever consider the party or parties involved?

Do you recall when you actually became an adult? When did you have a Saul to Paul experience? Some of you may be wondering who Saul was. In the bible Saul was known as the persecutor of the Jews. He wanted to kill anyone who believed in Christ. It was on his journey to persecute christian believers, on the road of Damascus, that he was changed by God and became known as Paul. One might say he was changed from Saul (childlike) into Paul (adult).

So my question to you is... Have you been changed? Are you still a child or an adult? When children grow they experience a physical and mental change. As we grow into maturity there should be a mental, physical and spiritual change.

I implore you, strive to be CHANGED!


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