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Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Struggle To be strenuously engaged with a problem, task, or undertaking

Some of the most intense fighting can be found in the human heart between the flesh and the spirit. The Apostle Paul wrote, "...the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish" (Gal. 5:17). Satan wants us to fulfill our own fleshly desires by immersing ourselves in the "works of the flesh", not so with the Lord; he wants us to imbibe in the "fruit of the Spirit".

How can there be life and death in the framework of one body? How can we there be life and death in one being? When we come to Christ we are already dipped in the things of the flesh already living in the world of condemnation. So even though we are delivered we have not been healed. So how is there a transferring of power from the old man to the new man. It seems that this is going on during the time of struggle. We all struggle. We all struggle to say the right things at the right time, to resist that thing which may cause us to sin. There is a struggle daily, there is a struggle even after we have been delivered. You can be delivered from something and still struggle with bitterness. Bitterness will then become a part of your struggle.

We struggle with things that are good to us but not good for us! We all have a hard time letting go of things that are not good for us. But the question is, how do we defeat the enemy that we like? How do we kill what we want to live, and hold what we need to set free, we struggle to let some people go that will not be in our lives always. Sometimes God takes them out of our lives and we pull them back. We can not continue to hold on to people who are not going anywhere whether we like them or not.

We all feel as though at times we need to repent and ask for forgiveness because we struggle with the things of the flesh. The only reason we struggle is because we are Saved.  Now that something is dying there is a STRUGGLE! Struggle is a whole operation of serving God. In order to manage the suffering there has to be an awareness. When we struggle we tend to want to handle the issue ourselves.

There is a tendency to postpone what our Cross really is. Do you know what your Cross is? The thing you have to suffer with for hours, before it dies? It's easy to talk about the things that we do not have to put on a Cross, becuase the Cross is a place of Suffering before something dies. If we understand that we have to struggle, then we will embrace the struggle to get to the place where we have to go instead of closing our minds to it and postponing it.

There are things that we know we have to fix but because it is to painful to fix we postpone it. We continually deal with the nagging pain because we are afraid of dealing with the sharp pain of cutting it loose. How can we continually deal with the pain of going back.When do we deal with the sharp pain of cutting it loose rather than the nagging pain of reducing ourselves into something we do not like.

Who wants to live comatose? We need to wake up and face somethings with courage and declare that we can not keep living in a coma. The greatest pain we should ever feel is the pain of sacrifice because that pain says,  "I'm giving this up for the power that is going to be released!" I would rather suffer now for the power that is going to be released then not have courage and keep my life on a low level. There is a level that we have to get to that is going to require us to kill everything that is not of God it has got to DIE for there to be LIFE!

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